single and happy?
Most people who just got off a frustrating relationship will always say that they are now happy being so single and available. Some people also feel that being single is better than having a special someone even if they haven't been into a frustrating relationship. Wonder the reasons why these people feel being single is the best thing? Simple. It's because they enjoy their time either being alone or just being with their co-single friends.
I wonder..when is the time when one would say "Buh-bye" to his/her single life and realize that having someone special in your life is much better? Is it when you walk the street and find a couple cuddling and giggling like they are the only people on earth and instead of saying with bitterness "How pathetic is that? Cuddling in the middle of the street? I bet you guys don't go out with your friends to have fun!" you say "That's so sweet.. I wish I could find someone to cuddle with.."? Is it when you start calling all your friends from your phonebook just to plead to them to hook you up with the cutest friend they have? Is it when all of a sudden you could not sleep at night because you just can't stop thinking of how you want to handle your soon-to-come relationship? Or is it when all of your co-single friends that you used to go out with to have fun all day and night disappears out of the blue? Whatever the sign is, when it hits you without warning, you'll feel like you are the only person on earth!
Not that i'm in that situation right now... it's just that a close friend of mine and i were talking about how happy we are with our lives right now for being single (no 'extra gastos' to buy gifts for all the occasions, no calls at night to talk about nothing at all, no one to tell you what a b**tch you were when you guys fight for the tiniest thing, no one to ask where you are going and who you are going with, in short, 'wala kang pakielam at walang nangengeelam' - now, how fun is that right?) Suddenly, another friend who is committed and so inlove at the moment made the most annoying but funny comment - "I think you guys will feel your "singleness" when one of you commits cause you guys are inseparable since you guys are both single! when one of you get into a relationship, the other one would be left alone doing nothing at all but feel bitter" - owcake! so its true! it is the most possible thing that one could feel right? But just a thought... being single is not just a phase where you have fun with others or get wild all over with others like there is no tomorrow... but it is also a time to be involved with yourself. So what if your friends are committed? No one should be pressured to find a 'lover' just because you are the only single person on earth. there are still a lot of things to spend your time for, not to forget that these things would make you happy..
Whether one is single or not, happiness is to be found somewhere out there.. you just have to find the right place :)
I wonder..when is the time when one would say "Buh-bye" to his/her single life and realize that having someone special in your life is much better? Is it when you walk the street and find a couple cuddling and giggling like they are the only people on earth and instead of saying with bitterness "How pathetic is that? Cuddling in the middle of the street? I bet you guys don't go out with your friends to have fun!" you say "That's so sweet.. I wish I could find someone to cuddle with.."? Is it when you start calling all your friends from your phonebook just to plead to them to hook you up with the cutest friend they have? Is it when all of a sudden you could not sleep at night because you just can't stop thinking of how you want to handle your soon-to-come relationship? Or is it when all of your co-single friends that you used to go out with to have fun all day and night disappears out of the blue? Whatever the sign is, when it hits you without warning, you'll feel like you are the only person on earth!
Not that i'm in that situation right now... it's just that a close friend of mine and i were talking about how happy we are with our lives right now for being single (no 'extra gastos' to buy gifts for all the occasions, no calls at night to talk about nothing at all, no one to tell you what a b**tch you were when you guys fight for the tiniest thing, no one to ask where you are going and who you are going with, in short, 'wala kang pakielam at walang nangengeelam' - now, how fun is that right?) Suddenly, another friend who is committed and so inlove at the moment made the most annoying but funny comment - "I think you guys will feel your "singleness" when one of you commits cause you guys are inseparable since you guys are both single! when one of you get into a relationship, the other one would be left alone doing nothing at all but feel bitter" - owcake! so its true! it is the most possible thing that one could feel right? But just a thought... being single is not just a phase where you have fun with others or get wild all over with others like there is no tomorrow... but it is also a time to be involved with yourself. So what if your friends are committed? No one should be pressured to find a 'lover' just because you are the only single person on earth. there are still a lot of things to spend your time for, not to forget that these things would make you happy..
Whether one is single or not, happiness is to be found somewhere out there.. you just have to find the right place :)
At February 02, 2006 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
i like this. :)
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